As employees of the Gyomai Kner Printing Company, we are proud to bear witness to the success of a company that can look back upon 140 years of printing history and excellence.
The shortest possible summary of our history since our founding in 1882 is that the Company’s owners, employees, and management have always put innovation and professional and business development at the forefront of their endeavors. This is no different today when books have become even more important symbols of the traditional medium of communication and the world of letters. We produce a centuries-old product with the most modern technology, deep expertise, and an attentive customer service for a highly demanding Hungarian and international circle of customers.
It is book printing that first brought the Kner name great renown. Today’s Gyomai Kner Printing Company continues to follow the distant past’s traditions and striving for quality, while actively shaping the book production of the future.
“My life’s purpose is not that I am a printer but that I serve.” Imre Kner
The team of the Gyomai Kner Printing Company.

BEST PRINT HUNGARY 2024 – “Két macska voltam” product
BEST PRINT HUNGARY 2024 – Zuzi book
OFA 2023
We are delighted and honored that the Gyomai Kner Printing Company has once again received the MagyarBrands Award in the “Exceptional Business Brand” category this year.
For the 10th year now, the MagyarBrands program rewards exceptional Hungarian brands. The award committee recognizes a brand’s creation of products of outstanding cultural value and a brand’s renown, popularity, and reliability. Despite the difficulties of the year 2020, the relationship between Hungarian brands and their customers only strengthened largely due to the companies’ conscious sense of responsibility: a consideration the award committee did not fail to notice.
The Gyomai Kner brand name is a worthy member of this circle given that we have been providing the highest quality printing services for our customers for almost 140 years. Our commitment to quality, our employees’ expertise, and our constant innovation and development all guarantee the quick and precise satisfaction of our customers’ wide-ranging needs. We believe that outstanding results depend equally upon a good customer relationship and the thorough planning and execution of a job. We do everything possible to ensure that our customers continue to choose us in the future as well.

Hungarian Press
A betűk, a rajzok és a papír bűvöletében – Under the spell of letters, drawings and paper–kner-izidorra-emlekezunk
Kner Izidor viaskodásai -The fights of Izidor Kner
Nyolc új érték a Békés Megyei Értéktárban – Eight new values in the Békés County Depository
Tárlat nyílt Gyulán Mata János és Kner Imre alkotásaiból -An exhibition of the works of János Mata and Imre Kner was opened in Gyula
Mata János és Kner Imre barátságáról nyílt kiállítás a levéltárban – An exhibition about the friendship of János Mata and Imre Kner was opened in the Archives
Új tárlat nyílt a Békés Megyei Levéltárában – A new exhibition has opened in the Békés County Archives
Aki csak betűből is tudott jó könyvet csinálni: Kner Imre – Who could make a good book only from letters: Imre Kner
Nem élte túl a vészkorszakot a magyar könyvművészetet új szintre emelő Kner Imre – Imre Kner, who took Hungarian book art to a new level, did not survive the Holocaust
History of the Kner family and the Kner Printing Company
The Gyomai Kner Nyomda Zrt. is a member of the ANY Security Printing Company group, a group that employs more than 1,000 people with three branches in Hungary, two in Romania, and one each in Slovakia, and Moldova. The group is one of the largest security and business form printing companies in the Central and Eastern European region by turnover. Since 2005, the Company’s shares have been listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange in the Premium category. Its financial position is stable and profitable. ANY focuses on the production of secure personal and product identification products, related services and their IT back-end systems. The products and services cover areas such as personal identification – eID, passport, visa –, combating the black economy – excise and tax stamps –, and the production of election forms. International certifications, more than 170 years of experience in the production of security forms, excellent references and our own document security laboratory allow a successful expansion.